Welcome to ClimbingTrash.com!
This is a low tech dirtbag site about rock climbing. At ClimbingTrash.com you won't find any forums, chat rooms, or route guides. Most of the information on this site is useless and is meant to entertain.
Below are some of the logo designs available from my cafepress.com shop,TeamTrashTees. This site  contributes to the Access Fund through the sale of ClimbingTrash Merchandise.
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click to see this on a t-shirt
click to see this on a t-shirt
click to see this on a t-shirt

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You'll find these designs on T-shirts and other products in my cafepress.com store - Team Trash Tees.
Proceeds from the sale of mechendise help me keep this site up and I also donate a portion of the proceeds to the Access fund. New designs are always in the works, so check back often.
click to see this on a t-shirt
click to see this on a t-shirt
click to see this sticker.
click to see on this on a t-shirt
oval sticker
More Power Barz = More Climbing!!!
American Safe Climbing Association.
Check out the new guide book for Zion National Park by Brian Bird and SuperTopo.
Visit Supertopo.com to get your copy.
Just click on the image below.
This design I had screen printed and can be order from me on the climbing revolution page.
DISCLAIMER: Rock Climbing is Dangerous!! So is Willy Sticking, Dumpster Diving, Flipping of your belay partner, and taking yourself too seriously. You are responsible for your own actions. If you choose to take part in anything mentioned in this site, it is at your own risk. Be careful, have fun, and if you can't handle it click Here.